Brighter Future Program

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Children between the ages of 4-6 are at the major turning point of their educational trajectory. That is a time where they need even more adult and community support to receive the care needed for them to strive academically and ultimately as a person that will create a positive impact in this world. Barriers such as economic disadvantages (inequitable investments) challenge their ability to receive the support they need to excel at their fully released potential. Children at this age who experience academic difficulties and behavioral health troubles are likely to have challenges with vision. When a child can’t see well they will struggle to view laptops, whiteboards, assignments, and other learning materials which can lead to stress, anxiety, and a lack of confidence (which is key to learning). From this discomfort, it may lead to further external expressions of behavioral health challenges such as a reluctance in completing assignments and disruption of instructional time for themselves and others. 

If we can get children the VISION they deserve at a critical moment it will set them on a clearer path to achieve personal and academic success. Bright Future: Clear Vision provides children full eye examinations and optical quality glasses at no cost. The standard “eye screening” only detects about 25% of vision problems and completely doesn't account for the detection of more critical issues such as glaucoma, cancers, and other serious issues that may not directly or currently affect a child's vision. This is why we are committed to making sure children receive full eye examinations versus only eye screenings. After receiving their examination if glasses are needed we will provide them with durable optical quality glasses at no expense. We will monitor the child's behavioral wellness and academic performance following their visit to note progress and challenges so that we may provide continual support. As a community resource, we are a part of “the village” and we will be sure to serve our children in a just way. Access to key tools (such as glasses) that are likely needed for children to excel in their current and adult life should not be contingent on economic status. This is an investment in social equity and the future of our children which will change the world.

Initiative Complete


90 Children Serviced


Initiative Complete - 90 Children Serviced -

Boo Milton Quote Brighter Future
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